Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Technology based fruits industries and economy

Farzana Sharmin

In Bangladesh now the Bengali months Vadro Arshin  are going on.These months are famous for Holg Plum, guava fruits.The weather of this months neither hot nor cold. It is best suitable time for fixing more holg plum trees . Farmers can take great action plan for making  fruits  orchards based on commercial purposes  .

Specially farmers who are interested for ploughing  fruits 
commercial way they could apply new new agricultural technologies  how to increase fruits orchard , how to use fruits   as utensils of different type of foods. Beside that how to use fruit's thorny part for  making different type of show pieces by using technology.

It is  not unbelievable imagination now become true fact that   beam ,peel or coir  of some kind of fruits like coconut , holg pulm and many others are not negligible. By scientific technological recycling process those type rejected part of fruits could become usable again with new looks , with new forms.

(to be continued)

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