Thursday, 25 August 2016

Industry and Technology in under developing countries

Farzana Sharmin

Industrialization , really a effective process  where people  can get  job easily and  eradicate  poverty . So  every country of the world  are trying to make  better position in industrialization sector. Most of the  rich countries in the world   like G-8 including  countries  like   Japan ,United  state and many other  countries  have successfully removed all economical bindings    by industrialization .

On the other hand  technological industries are increasing  day by day . Technological back links industries are also increasing day by day.  Those countries which are developed in technology help many underdeveloped countries if those  countries , Sometime these type rich countries  replace supplemental industries out of their countries for many reasons  like cheap labor,  facility of transportation, facility of good  environmental  condition, facility for doing   new, new profitable business  world wide .

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