Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Government role and Investment condition

Farzana Sharmin

Government role and investment condition most of the time depend on each other.  There are many pre conditions which attract investors invest their money on profitable things.If any country   able to   proper safety   
 good  facility of  using  internet  and different type of technological  relaterd matter, modern communication or infrastructural facilities,   International Banking facilities,the facilities of getting sufficient electricity   agaist load shedding, Getting labour very cheap price , the political stability , the patron of  Local Government type advantage attracts investors for investing their favourite sector. In this circumstances most of the countries  under developed or developing even rich   now  will not get pass marks among these pre condition.

Without sufficient investment no one country could not able remove   proverty  and improve the economic condition. So development activities depends on investment. But  within two or three decades these type countries have been  faceing different type of challenging problems . Most of the corrupt dishonest   government who have gotten power  did not keep a great contribution  . Moreover some government have taken some bad steps which  go against the favour of public go against the favour of  industrialization. As a result the  rate  of unemployed  is going to be higher  day by day.
The  investors who have come for investing they dont get loan or l.c related opportunities from Bank. The government of these type countries are not helping properly as  investors  requirement.

Unemployed people are creating dengarous chaos. Some of them are joing different type criminal gangs different type of radicalist groups. These type people  become anti social  which is really matter of fear.

    So  government of different countries should be taken effective measure for increasing investment for remove proverty by creating employment.

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