Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Technology based fruits industries and economy (part # 2)

Farzana Sharmin

Those type of  rejected parts of fruits become attractive and durable   to the concern with modern technological devices.

It is hopeful fact that Some commercial institutions  have also realized the importance of those rejected things of fruits .  Commercial industries have applied those rejected parts of fruits as raw materials for making different type of necessary household things.

Some fruits beam are being used as button, ornaments, show piece goods. Some fruits peel are being used as food of beasts. Some fruits coir are being used as the utensils of medicine. Beside that type of coir peels are being also used for making  attractive showpieces like table lamp, boxes for ornanent etc.

 to be continued

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Technology based fruits industries and economy

Farzana Sharmin

In Bangladesh now the Bengali months Vadro Arshin  are going on.These months are famous for Holg Plum, guava fruits.The weather of this months neither hot nor cold. It is best suitable time for fixing more holg plum trees . Farmers can take great action plan for making  fruits  orchards based on commercial purposes  .

Specially farmers who are interested for ploughing  fruits 
commercial way they could apply new new agricultural technologies  how to increase fruits orchard , how to use fruits   as utensils of different type of foods. Beside that how to use fruit's thorny part for  making different type of show pieces by using technology.

It is  not unbelievable imagination now become true fact that   beam ,peel or coir  of some kind of fruits like coconut , holg pulm and many others are not negligible. By scientific technological recycling process those type rejected part of fruits could become usable again with new looks , with new forms.

(to be continued)

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Industry and Technology in under developing countries

Farzana Sharmin

Technology  moves forward  the economic growth .Technology is essential part for industrialization. Without modern technology any country cannot reach the goal for industrialization.

Sometime the countries which are rich in economy and technology  have taken proper action for shifting  supplement good industries outside from their local countries. Many developing and  poor countries have accepted this type profitable offer like India , Malaysia .

India have made IT city inside  Bangalore and other part of India taking  the help of USA. On the other hand Malaysia have improved their economic condition with the help of  the countries which stand near  Eastern  part of the world.

(To be continued )

Friday, 26 August 2016

Industry and Technology in under developing countries

Farzana Sharmin

Most of the underdeveloped countries have  common problems. These type of countries  have infrastructural problem, Huge population problem , electricity problem,backdated  scarcity of necessary investment, scarcity of necessary loans ,scarcity of skilled organizer, scarcity of skilled educated workers, scarcity of Government patron , Scarcity of Political stability ,

corruption and others problem.  In spite of these type of problem some underdeveloped , poor or

developing  countries have gotten success. The people and Government  of  those countries have worked hard and determined to touch the success.These countries determined to overcome

poverty. At last they have gotten success. They have filled up

their target.

(to be continued

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Industry and Technology in under developing countries

Farzana Sharmin

Industrialization , really a effective process  where people  can get  job easily and  eradicate  poverty . So  every country of the world  are trying to make  better position in industrialization sector. Most of the  rich countries in the world   like G-8 including  countries  like   Japan ,United  state and many other  countries  have successfully removed all economical bindings    by industrialization .

On the other hand  technological industries are increasing  day by day . Technological back links industries are also increasing day by day.  Those countries which are developed in technology help many underdeveloped countries if those  countries , Sometime these type rich countries  replace supplemental industries out of their countries for many reasons  like cheap labor,  facility of transportation, facility of good  environmental  condition, facility for doing   new, new profitable business  world wide .

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Extra charge on mobile talking; real economic pressure

Farzana  Sharmin

Some  mobile companies are trying to   increase  their profit excessively within a short period. So when those companies look good condition in their commodities in the market try to  increase  profit excessively. So they are imposed   exrtra charge  to their customers for  using  mobile phone per minutes. Besides that customers do not get proper service from those mobile phone operator companies. Many time customers suffer for the call dropped problems. They lose their money very simple reason But customers deserve better service from mobile phone operators company as like as government service oriented  departments.

At present time middle class and poor people become  exhausted for maintain their families . They cannot provide something against rainy day .They lost their whole money for bread and butter and giving the extra charge of mobile bill. Poor people  The prize of commodities  rising up  day by day  but the monthly income of general people not rising up .

In this circumstances Government should be taken proper action if all people  could  get rid of the extra charge on mobile talking . 

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Extra charge on mobile real pressure for people

Farzana Sharmin

At the twenty first century Mobile is not the scientific device of  foppishness. Mobile is going to be the necessary device for human being in their daily life as like as basic needs. Both poor or rich everyone use mobile now a days. So when government lay upon taxes on the import of manufacturing  mobile  set devices , It could be bad effect on the  use  of mobile devices. Because importers do not want to  run their business decreasing profit. So indirectly those importers   throw over the taxes money demanding high price on mobile sets .

On the other hand Mobile operator companies have laid  upon extra charge per minutes for talking on general people. This is not good for people who have accustomed this technology . As a result general people could decrease the use of mobile device.  (To be continued)

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Extra charge for talking on mobile per minutes

Farzana Sharmin

Everyone poor or rich  people use mobile phone at present time. Mobile is really very important device . People all over the world communicate with each other by mobile device . Beside that The people communicate with their relatives ,  friends or other people   by mobile phone  who live near place or far place.

But at present time some mobile phone companies increase the charge for talking on mobile per minutes in Bangladesh. Specially some foreign telephone operator companies which companies have been doing business from many years, Those companies have increased extra charge for talking  on mobile per minutes .

On the other hand Government of Bangladesh also have increased tax on charge for talking on  mobile per minutes .

(to be continued)

Friday, 19 August 2016

Untouchable price of Technology (part-2)

Farzana  Sharmin

At present time every one should have sense about modern technology. But most of the third world people do not familiar about modern technology. These type people are  being neglected all sphere of life such as - educational life , job sector , business sector, social or family life. Those people who are accustomed with  different type technology they are advance then others .They get success easily then others. No one can swindle them easily.

On the other hand most of the latest technologies price so high that general people cannot  able to buy

. If  all the Bank or insurance organization launch new loan schemes with lower   interest rate against important technological device people will be able buy all  technological device .Government related all  economical  organizations should be  taken necessary steps for giving loan against technological products like rich countries. Not only car loan but also loan for all precious technological device  .

Beside that  there are many talented scientists in many poor countries . They invent many important device which  device proper appropriate  ,can be able increase the growth of crops fishes or manufacture related different type items but they become failure at last. Because  they do not get proper financial , commercial  or research support  from  their own countries . If local scientists or manufacturer have been getting  proper co operation from Government or commercial organizations they could contribute a great role for the economy  of local economic and scientific development. As a result they could make appropriate technology  adjust with the requirement of local public.These way untouchable modern technologies will be being reached  at  touchable price

( finished)

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Untouchable price of Technology (part-1)

Farzana  Sharmin

Technology make peoples life more easier, more comfortable. Technology is the blessing of Allah or God. Now a days no one can live without technology. More or less  every people depend on  technology. Mobile Television, freeze and many other device have being invented for the welfare of human being . Technological devices save peoples time, money. But the price of all technological items are not reachable for all kinds of people. Specially poor or least developed people cannot afford the price of  precious technological items.

Most of the people of Bangladesh are not accustomed with modern devices. They do not realize the importance of technological devices. As a result they cannot move forward .They lag behind from the technological expert .

On the other hand  the  price of technological devices are so high .As a result people cannot able to buy easily . (To be continued)

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Holiday and Technology

Farzana Sharmin

Technology makes much easier then ancient time. People become gainer  by using  technology. The young generation always try to play at leisure time.. Now young generation  play different time of video games by using computer laptop tab mobile type technological device. So they feel happy when holiday comes. Technology make their life more delightful because they get chance for enjoy .

Technology make  matured people,s holiday more memorable more  delightful too. When matured people go outside with their favorite  persons like parents , wife, husband , friends most of the people try to capture pictures or videos. Because people try to keep memorable pictures forever.So they enjoy every moment of holiday.

The active people do not like sit down like loll gesture. They always try to use all moment of holiday effectively. So they try to find the way how to keep forward then previous time. ?

(to be continued

Monday, 15 August 2016

Holiday and Technology

Farzana Sharmin

In the 21 century most of the people all around the Globe  are busy.Most of the people  who are  trying to build their career whole day. They get a little time for using   television computer laptop type technological device . Only mobile  technological device is being   fulfilled their demand. Technological  device  make human life more easier then previous time.Technological device save time of human being.

Technological device not only help peoples  professional or educational  life but also greater help acting like  recreation medium. There are many people who live far from their relative their home town  for many  purposes like educational purposes , business purposes or service oriented purposes. They have not enough  recreation medium . Because they are stranger in new cities. So  most of the time they feel boring on passing time at Holiday. And also  they  have not  enough money for traveling wonderful places too.

(To be continued

Sunday, 14 August 2016

The Traffic Jam ; the afflication of Bangladesh

There are many big cities in Bangladesh. The people of  Metropolitan city like Dhaka and other big cities are being facing this problem day by day. They want to get rid of this type  problem. The journey  which is ended normally 1 hour  for the cause of traffic jam problem that type journey is ended 3 hour every day. So people cannot able do their work at perfect time .Traffic jam snatch the valuable time for human being.

Traffic jam creates problem blocking the roads. Passers by cannot move easily when they cross the roads. People who often face this problem suffer from headache problem, respiratory problem  and other diseases.

For the control of traffic jam more traffic police should be recruited . The number of traffic control room would  be extended. Besides that Government should be taken effective measures for establish new new over bridge  underpass road on every part of Bangladesh.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Traffic Jam ; the affliction of journey

Farzana Sharmin

Traffic Jam really one kind of  affliction of journey. Most of the people of Bangladesh are familiar to this affliction .People can  not move fast for traffic Jam.  A t present time most of the people are busy for their work. after get up from bed most of the people start their journey    for specific  destination.  School and college going children cannot able going school and colleges at perfect time. Office going people also being trapped for traffic jam .So they can not able reach their office at perfect time. Business men also cannot reach their office at perfect time. Indirectly traffic jam create bad effect  to our economy .  Many problem  which   have been creating  negative impact on our society . The people who have been working from   a  long distance they cannot  reach their office or business place on perfect time . As a result some time the owner authorities misunderstand  on their employees . They thought traffic Jam is a lame excuse for deception .

So sometime traffic jam become major cause for unemployment . Besides that traffic jam  being created  block on main road. People feel boring when they are trapped by traffic jam. They cannot move as their like. ( to be continued )

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

best technology

Insurance crisis (part -3)

Farzana Sharmin

Now a days people do not rely on  non established insurance companies.  Because such type of companies are not giving good service for their client .Many insurance companies do not fulfill their pledge which they had been promised some years back. Moreover some insurance companies  plunged  from  profit to loss . These type of insurance companies create  great social economic problem in society. Those people who  had deposited their money in Bank or insurance with the hope of better future  become hopeless  empty handed when they face the reality of present. They are going to be looser  in  exchange of gainer.

On the other hand when insurance or banks are going to be insolvent  the rate of unemployed people are going to be increasing day  by  day.   In the jobs market new new jobs are not   being created . Moreover many large companies become looser also. those type of company retrench  their  larger number of employee . As a result the number  of  unemployed  people   are increasing day by day. This is not good sign for the economic growth . The rate of  unemployed people  when increasing create bad impact whole society and whole economy.

People cannot fulfill the dream of   desirable life . If government all over the world  would  have taken  great action  against fraud company  side by side highlighting  the good performance of  many financial institutes   , by  giving reward people will   get profit also .
As a result economy of those countries   will going to be successful position . Beside that the invest ment  condition  is going to be  rich day by  day. Investors all around the world  agree for investment easily. Many jobless people will get job . Many countries will be able reduce poverty.Indirectly strong financial condition is going to be established . 

So people should  be  aware about the fraudness of insurance .
( ending)

Monday, 8 August 2016

Insurance crisis part # 2

Farzana Sharmin

Insurance most of the time make the peoples future  life secure and safe. If people choice  real good companies for insurance they would not  fall in trouble under fraud . But many time people fall in trouble because they apply their money on unproductive insurance  or banking institutions. After few years when people try  to collect total savings money with interest some of the authorities of insurance companies  deny  for giving interest  to their  clients. But some years ago those authorities had pledged their clients with agreement that they  will give the clients total deposit or premium with profit rate or interest rate. But they  do not keep  their promise . Even  true fact some of the authorities or workers of Insurance sector also  involved doing malign  and corruption . These type of people always try to keep relation with dishonest businessmen  all over the  world.

During the time of economic deflation most of the insurance and banks  gave unproductive loans to their clients. For their corruption dishonesty foolishness  general people all over the world fall into trouble.They lost their earning  money . They believed those insurance company or Banks. For that reason  they kept their  money in those  insurances . But at last those insurances companies   swindling with their clients , As a result most of the fraud companies repel their business  and with draw  money from one country to another.
( To be continued

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Insurance Crisis-1


Insurance policy undoubtedly most useful financial system which  can contribute a great role in economical sector.The people who starts insurance policy he  or she will be gain profit at near future . On the other hand the insurance  companies  and the country also  would be get  profit when those type companies  have been  applying the money  from the  public for creating  different type of  development industrial sectors. The rich and developing countries of the world have successfully abled used the  lazy money for the development  of their own countries.

But  insurance companies all over the world are going to be start unprofitable unreliable organization   day by day. These type organization  have been being   familiar to the people as like fraud organization. That type organization which organizations never keep their promise. They do not give  fundamental money with interest as they had  promised . 

Beside that sometime these type organization business with fraud type organization. As a result of their  weakness  general  creditor lost their savings . Many  customers who have account in those insurances companies  try to  withdraw their money. Slowly many insurance companies which  were doing business are being closed  forever. This is not good sign for developing economy based country.
( To be continued)

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Water Hyacinth

Farzana Sharmin

Water Hyacinth is very familiar to the Bangladeshi People. The ponds or canal which have water hyacinth those canals or ponds look like the heaven of ground  green leaves. Specially the people who  live in  rural areas they always look the water  hyacinth .The flower of water hyacinth is really look very nice.Water Hyacinth also very useful for  human. This uses as raw material for making coil which is most effective   from the biting of mosquitoes . Water Hyacinth and the flower  of  Hyacinth  are really the beauty of  ponds canals or rivers .

Friday, 5 August 2016

Perfect Re creation Place

Farzana Sharmin

 There are not many places at Banasree  and Aftab Nagar where the inhabitants pass their leisure time with full of joy. But some places there where people of larger Rampura  including Banasree and Aftabnagar  areas travel for recreation . Specially afternoon  period many people around of Rampura come there for recreation . This is perfect place for recreation . Still now this place is not residential area. A long street which has ending near pond . There are many trees between two by lane really looks wonderful .Beside that in right side  Balu river stands in .

Little children   even matured people  take part for playing game like foot ball ,cricket , basket ball cycle racing  competition.Here  commercial building of Eastern housing limited remain stands on. Besides that there are many bushes stand on both two side of roads  looking really beautiful. Different type of  hawkers sell their commodities and foods like ice cream, pickles etc.   Some young boys enjoy the beauty of Aftab Nagar sit on green grasses . Nature make them happy. So they sing songs playing guitar with chorus .  Young girls  also ride on cycle without hesitation.People of all ages come here pass their free time with great fun .  Really its a perfect place for recreation.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Government role and Investment condition

Farzana Sharmin

Government role and investment condition most of the time depend on each other.  There are many pre conditions which attract investors invest their money on profitable things.If any country   able to   proper safety   
 good  facility of  using  internet  and different type of technological  relaterd matter, modern communication or infrastructural facilities,   International Banking facilities,the facilities of getting sufficient electricity   agaist load shedding, Getting labour very cheap price , the political stability , the patron of  Local Government type advantage attracts investors for investing their favourite sector. In this circumstances most of the countries  under developed or developing even rich   now  will not get pass marks among these pre condition.

Without sufficient investment no one country could not able remove   proverty  and improve the economic condition. So development activities depends on investment. But  within two or three decades these type countries have been  faceing different type of challenging problems . Most of the corrupt dishonest   government who have gotten power  did not keep a great contribution  . Moreover some government have taken some bad steps which  go against the favour of public go against the favour of  industrialization. As a result the  rate  of unemployed  is going to be higher  day by day.
The  investors who have come for investing they dont get loan or l.c related opportunities from Bank. The government of these type countries are not helping properly as  investors  requirement.

Unemployed people are creating dengarous chaos. Some of them are joing different type criminal gangs different type of radicalist groups. These type people  become anti social  which is really matter of fear.

    So  government of different countries should be taken effective measure for increasing investment for remove proverty by creating employment.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Boat on the Banasree Canal

Farzana Sharmin

The canal which  water  flows  beside Banasree residential  area at Dhaka in  Bangladesh is really very beautiful canal.Its water come from Balu river ; actual the source of  water in  Buriganga river. But the water of this wonder canal  is going to be   polluted  day by day . The people who have not any consciousness about the environmental  condition pollute the water throw off chemical or another dirty things in canal everyday. So Government should be taken necessary  steps if the public social awareness will be going to be increase   day by day. People stop throw off  dirty things in canal.  On the other hand Commercial factories never throw off chemical waste  in the canal. If any commercial institute does not  follow this instructions must be punished under the environmental law in Bangladesh,

People of  Aftab Nagar and Banasree  being divided  by this  canal.The people of both side  pass through the  canal by bamboo bridge . But when all bamboo bridges  become out of order they use boat for communicate easily. People expend only ten taka for passing the canal.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Economy , money and war

Farzana Sharmin

 At present time economy money controls politics all over the world . Not only politics but also good social environment ,quality education , poverty alleviation activities types all other things depends on world economy remains on which position. On the other hand those countries which kept important role in world economy those countries lost their wealth , established economic standard after concern with war all around the world .Now at present time those countries which want to increase their countries economic growth will be going on better then best they should try to stop war condition . Beside that the government of 3rd world countries should be given democratic political space to their opponent if they could not revolt . But most of the leader of modern world are not taking proper step for stop chaos . Moreover many corrupt leaders are giving many opportunities to their followers if they could chance for doing tyranny and increasing wealth by swindling innocent poor public.Thus way some people are going rich within a short time. But most of the people are being deprived from their fundamental rights. Besides that young generations do not get employment according to their quality. Most of the unemployed young people are becoming depressed and angry on the whole economic social economic injustice . Radical group take the chance of this weakness of the modern era. Thus way war is spreading all over the world. So at present time government and economical specialists all over the world both jointly take proper action how to increase jobs? how to remove anger among the public.